Who we are
Your IT partner for digital leadership. We have created and launched numerous products onto the market, with their total capitalization reaching $28 million, and their audiences numbering in the hundreds of thousands of customers.
Low time to market
Starting from 40 days for services (not landing pages)
Unique expertise
The agency's team includes graduates of the 500 startups accelerator
Result in metrics
Design must also act as a conversion venue
Advanced instruments
Figma Professional , Youtrack, Miro, Notion, Metabase
Our expertise is based on the creation and introduction of startups and IT products to the European and US markets. The agency's team consists of the graduates of the 500 startups accelerator (USA). ¹ We apply all the experience and knowledge gained from leading experts in the venture capital industry from Europe and the US while working on our projects.
We create high-quality designs created not only with style in mind, but also with the aim of solving the tasks they were meant for, and coping with product challenges.
500 startups is a multi-billion dollar venture fund and accelerator from the United States. 5 graduates of the accelerator have become unicorns (projects with a capitalization of over $1 billion).
Our expertise
New principles of Bash Today's visual communication
Our experience is simple to grasp: we demonstrate it on a daily basis

Thank you for the great work! We have an excellent new website that is modern, stylish, and easy to use. I am delighted to work with you, as it has been a very easy to get along with your team. I appreciate you adding your own views on the project and giving us truly professional advice, while at the same time being so attentive to all of our needs.

chief executive officer, co-founder
Wedding box: vendor marketplace and organizer for wedding preparations
17 product interviews in 3 segments
CJM detailing, in-depth design support for external developers
Created and online-educational platform for an international law school
ICLRC ∙ The Summer school on public international law '20: educational platform ∙ design, development
Created in 50 days
Integration with Zoom, Skype, Microsoft teams
Online scientific libraries
Private-access web solution with enhanced security
Alligator: B2B consumer goods marketplace ∙ design, development
Launched an MVP of a B2B marketplace in 9 months
Launch of MVP in 9 months in a conservative industry
73 product interviews in 8 segments
Digitalization of the "factory ∙ distributor ∙ wholesaler" sequence
I would say that working with us is in its own way exclusive, because each project receives great attention. We never shy away from pointing out the bottlenecks in your request and suggest ways of solving them. We are always guided by the principles of responsible ESG management based on legal and fair remuneration, transparent management, and clear communication of goals and objectives to the entire team. We also cherish the opportunity to be working with companies adhering to the UN Sustainable development principles (UN SDGS).
chief executive officer
What we offer
Redesign of existing websites, applications, platforms
Improvement of current metrics through data science
Product design from the ground up
Design implementation into a working web product by our professional programmers
Marketplace, LMS, and online platform creation
White label LMS and marketplace solutions
Product analytics and machine learning solutions for optimizing processes and increasing conversion rates
Additional tasks to be discussed on an individual basis ²
Our professional capabilities are extensive, but special tasks require a custom approach.
Event booking marketplace
Bash Today
Real estate operator
INMO ∙ Expert
Carsharing service
United States
Visa assistant service
United States
Our clients
for explosive
growth? Let's
get started!
Huckletree (space Shoreditch) ∙ 18 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AH, United Kingdom
© Uprising, 2023