We have successfully pitched the world's leading seed vc 500 Strong, and hundreds of other investors, made mistakes, lost and won in the process, but thrived. We share our professional experience with our clients.

We help startups to raise funds within 3 months

We shall tell you all the tricks to work and those that do not. It's best to learn from the mistakes of others in order to save time and resources.
A successful investment round if you follow our recommendations

Results you can expect to achieve

Full support regarding documentation and legal issues
• We will provide legal assistance.
• We will draft SAFE documents and Term sheets.
• We will create a financial model from scratch or redraft an existing one.
Advising services
We will lead you through all the stages from preparation for investment to closing the deal. If necessary, we will hand pick a team for you and provide advisory services even after the funds have been raised.
We will also help you prepare your marketing strategy.
Set up an investor pipeline and start growing your investment network
And we will show you how to fill up that pipeline and manage it.
Our mission is to help like minded individuals who are open to new ideas
and strive to innovate. We are inspired by the prospect of attracting the attention of professional investors to your idea and breathing new life into it. We particularly value projects aimed at implementing the 16 UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is our purpose to help entrepreneurs who have found it difficult to keep their business running as a result of the special military operation in Ukraine.

Our mission

• Strategic startup analysis
• Business model and business plan analysis
• Data compilation
• Data and information feed processing
• Presentation Structure drafting
• Copywriting
• Graphic design
• Strategic startup analysis
• Pitch deck structure drafting
• Copywriting
• Graphic design
Info memo / Pitch deck
Pitch deck

Our services

• Evaluation method and DCF / Mult / Comparables justification selection
• Capital table forecasting (captable))
• Financial model design
• 3 development scenario forecasting
• Dashboard and investor key information display development
Evaluation and captable
Financial model
• Personal consultations
• Preparation for pitch sessions
• Necessary document drafting
• NDA template
• Term sheet templates
• Pitch deck
• Info memo
• Consultation support at all stages from preparation for fundraising to deal closing
• Support during deal processing
Individual approach
Advising services
• Assistance with positioning and differentiation from competitors
• Analysis of digital channel capacity and digital strategy determination
• Outlining of key marketing objectives (OKRs) per quarter, annually, and long-term
• Assistance with team building, including team structure development, hiring and onboarding
• Identification of hidden growth opportunities
• Tuning of product marketing and development of a go-to-market (GTM) strategy
Startup marketing
• We will provide comparative characteristics of select countries
• We will help with the choice of jurisdiction
• We will acquaint you with lawyers
Business relocation
Raised $2.5M in funding
for 5 startups.

The companies Efim worked with have a proved capitalization of $18M.

CEO and co-founder of Uprising agency.
Ex.CEO of Bash today.

Top 20 proptech entrepreneurs in Russia in 2020 according to Rusbase.

Two-time finalist of the international 500 Strong accelerator.
Organized operational and financial management from scratch in three companies, resulting in $7.2M valuation and 32,500+ clients.

Supported M&A transactions, project financing, loans and grants worth $4M.

Ex.COO and CFO of Bash today.

Expertise and IT knowledge: marketplaces, horeca segment, food industry.

Author of methodology for resolving corporate conflicts among the founders (4 cases).
Ex.CEO and co-founder of Bash today.

Ex. CMO and board member at Yclients, SaaS market leader in the services sector with over 40,000 active clients (portfolio company of Elbrus capital).

CMO in Smartway, leader among IT solutions for business trips. More than $110M GMV in 2022 (portfolio company of 1C).
Expert in fundraising strategies, pitch sessions and investor relations (IR)
Expert in organizational consulting and financial management
Expert in B2B marketing, building a marketing and sales department, strategy drafting
Efim Kolodkin
Andrey Gorobchenko
Mikael Saakyants
Leading experts with experience in attracting investments
Young entrepreneurs, what they are ready to change and what they have already achieved
Attracting investments at the pre-seed and seed stages — from A to Z
Interviews with our experts
The main advantage that we got at Pitch me is getting to know professional investors and peers. Efim helped me figure out. what to say .so that it would be interesting and informative for both parties.
There are two types of advice: a generic one — sort of "An investor is someone who has money"; and a specific one — that contains valuable information on what, how and when something is to be done. Such advice is clear, timely, and based on personal experience. It is precisely the. type of advice .Efim provides.
Thanks for the. great work! .It was a pleasure cooperating with Efim and his team. I would also like to note his expert comments regarding the project as a whole and their truly professional advice. Efim was very attentive to all our needs.
Feedback from entrepreneurs about their cooperation with us
We've put together a checklist of things you should never do! Check them out, and if you found yourself doing any of these — contact us immediately and we will definitely find a way to help you.

10 tips on how not to attract investments

Get a free consultation!
• Let's get acquainted.
• Let's study the available materials.
• We will assess your readiness for fundraising.
• We will provide you with recommendations regarding next steps.
We are always open to communication: